With a trajectory in music making closely paralleling milestones reached in the general evolution of popular electronic music, my recorded work resides on reel-to-reel tapes, cassettes, vinyl, CDs, DVDs, computer hard drives, smart phones and tablets, the worldwide web, occasional scribbles and chord charts and in personal memories. Sometimes there's stuff I just can't get out of my head because I've been playing it over and over again during the process of creating it.

A tiny fraction has been self-published under my own personal imprint, on my artist-run Estoterix label (established in 1980) or released / re-released on a couple of independent labels. As well, there are a few compilations out there on which my work appears.

For now, Discogs holds information relating to these official releases: Olev Muska / Estoterix / Kiri-uu

If you wish to check availability and price through me directly, please contact:




From the early 1970’s onwards, lots more stuff is awaiting release. Meanwhile, for occasional new works and remixes, check out Soundcloud
